Sentences এর বেলায় Voice change নিয়ম, Rules of Voice on Sentences

Rules of Voice on Imperative Sentences
যে Sentence দ্বারা আদেশ, উপদেশ  অনুরোধ বোঝায়, তাকে Imperative Sentence বলে। ওই Sentence-এর Active voice-এর object-কে let-এর object-রূপে ব্যবহার করতে হবে। মূল verb-এর past participle হয় এবং তার আগে be ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Do it.
Passive : Let it be done (by you).
Active : Make a kite.
Passive : Let a kite be made (by you).
Active : Help the poor.
Passive : Let the poor be helped (by you).
Active : Take care of your health.
Passive : Let your health be taken care of.
Imperative Sentence-
এর active voice যখন let দ্বারা দেওয়া থাকে, তখন Passive voice করার সময় নতুন করে আর let ব্যবহার করার দরকার হয় না। ওই let-কেই ওই বাক্যের শুরুতে বসিয়ে indirect object-কে subject করে passive করতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Let Putul read the book.
Passive : Let the book be read by Putul.
Active : Let me sing a song.
Passive : Let a song be sung by me.
Active : Let him do the sum.
Passive : Let the sum be done by him.
দ্রষ্টব্য: Let-এর পরে second person বসে না।
Imperative Sentence-
এর active voice-এর প্রথমে বা শেষে যদি adverb থাকে, তবে passive করার সময় তাকে বাক্যের শেষে রেখে দিতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Help him now.
Passive : Let him be helped now.
Active : Always speak the truth.
Passive : Let the truth be spoken always.
Active : Shut the door immediately.
Passive : Let the door be shut immediately.
Active : Today cut the tree.
Passive : Let the tree be cut today (by you).
Imperative Sentence
 যদি negative হয়, তবে Passive voice- করার সময় বাক্যের প্রথমে let not ব্যবহার করতে হয়। অন্যান্য নিয়ম আগের মতোই থেকে যায়।
Active : Do not break the temple.
Passive : Let not the temple be broken (by you).
Active : Don’t post the letter.
Passive : Let not the letter be posted (by you).
Active : Don’t open the door.
Passive : Let not the door be opened (by you).
Complex Sentence-
কে Passive voice করতে হলে Principal clause  sub-ordinate clause উভয়ের Passive করতে হয়। Principal clause-এর সাধারণত object থাকে না। তাই ওই অংশের object হিসেবে it নিতে হয়। যেমন
Active : I know that you helped him.
Passive : It is known to me that he was helped by you.
Active : I thought that Babul had sung a song.
Passive : It was thought by me that a song had been sung by Babul.
# Complex Sentence-
এর sub-ordinate clause-এর যদি object না থাকে, তবে ওই অংশের Passive voice করার দরকার হয় না।  ধরনের sentence-এর বেলায় Principal clause-এর subject হিসেবে it নিয়েও Passive voice করা যায়। তা ছাড়া sub-ordinate clause-এর that-সহ পরের সবটুকুকে passive করার সময় বাক্যের subject করে passive করা যায়। যেমন
Active : I know that the he is a good boy.
Passive : It is known to me that he is a good boy.
Or : That he is a good boy is known to me.
# And
 দ্বারা দুটি বাক্য যুক্ত হলে যদি and-এর উভয় অংশ object থাকে, তবে উভয়েই নিয়ম অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হবে। আর and-এর পরবর্তী অংশে কোনো object না থাকলে প্রথম অংশ বা আগের অংশ পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন
Active : He ate rice and went to school.Passive : Rice was eaten by him and (he) went to school.
Active : He ate rice and gave me a pen.
Passive : Rice was eaten and I was given a pen by him.
অনেক সময় infinitive দ্বারাও voice change করা যায়। যেমন
I don’t like to be hated.
A bank is going to be opened by the manager.
Voice Rules on Interrrogative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence

 যখন do, does বা did দ্বারা প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করে তখন subject-এর number, person and tense অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত subject এর পূর্বে “to be verb” বসিয়ে passive voice করতে হয়।
 Active : Do you like the book?
Passive : Is the book liked by you?
Active : Does he like the cake?
Passive : Is the cake liked by him?
Active : Did he beat the dog?
Passive : Was the dog beaten by him?
 বাক্যে ব্যবহূত বিভিন্ন tense-এর সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হলে Passive করার সময় tense-অনুযায়ী সাহায্যকারী verb পরিবর্তিত subject-এর পূর্বে ব্যবহার করতে হয় এবং voice change-এর অন্যান্য নিয়ম পূর্বের মতোই থেকে যায়। যেমন:
Active : Has he done it?
Passive : Has it been done by him?
Active : Had he finished the work?
Passive : Had the work been finished by him?
Active : Was he making a doll?
Passive : Was a doll being made by him?
 দ্বারা Active voice শুরু হলে একে Passive voice করার সময় বাক্যের প্রথমে By whom ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন:
Active : Who spoke it?
Passive : By whom was it spoken?
Active : Who does?
Passive : By whom is it done?
Active : Who has broken the pencil?
Passive : By whom has the pencil been broken?
# What
 দ্বারা কোনো প্রশ্নবোধক Active বাক্য আরম্ভ হলে Passive voice করার সময় what ঠিক what থাকে। যেমন:
Active : What does Meena seek?
Passive : What is sought by Meena?
Active : What did you do?
Passive : What was done by you?
# Whom
 দ্বারা কোনো প্রশ্নবোধক Active voice শুরু হলে তাকে Passive voice করার সময় who বাক্যের প্রথমে ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Whom do you want?
Passive : Who is wanted by you?
Active : Whom does he seek?
Passive : Who is sought by him?
# Why, when, Where, how
 ইত্যাদি দ্বারা interrogative Active বাক্য শুরু হলে Passive voice করার সময় ওই Interrogative Adverb-গুলোই বাক্যের প্রথমে থেকে যায়। Voice change-এর অন্যান্য নিয়ম অবশ্যই পালনীয়। যেমন
Active : Why does he disclose the fact?
Passive : Why is the fact disclosed by him?
Active : Why do they take the pen?
Passive : Why is the pen taken by them?
Active : When will Jibon write it?
Passive : When will it be written by Jibon?
Active : When will they make the kite?
Passive : When will the kite be made by them ?
Active : Where did Mamun find you?
Passive : Where were you found by Mamun?
Active : Where have you taken him?
Passive : Where has be been taken by you?
Active : How have you done this?
Passive : How has this been done by you?
Voice Rules on Imperative Sentences
যে Sentence দ্বারা আদেশ, উপদেশ  অনুরোধ বোঝায়, তাকে Imperative Sentence বলে। ওই Sentence-এর Active voice-এর object-কে let-এর object-রূপে ব্যবহার করতে হবে। মূল verb-এর past participle হয় এবং তার আগে be ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Do it.
Passive : Let it be done (by you).
Active : Make a kite.
Passive : Let a kite be made (by you).
Active : Help the poor.
Passive : Let the poor be helped (by you).
Active : Take care of your health.
Passive : Let your health be taken care of.
Imperative Sentence-
এর active voice যখন let দ্বারা দেওয়া থাকে, তখন Passive voice করার সময় নতুন করে আর let ব্যবহার করার দরকার হয় না। ওই let-কেই ওই বাক্যের শুরুতে বসিয়ে indirect object-কে subject করে passive করতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Let Putul read the book.
Passive : Let the book be read by Putul.
Active : Let me sing a song.
Passive : Let a song be sung by me.
Active : Let him do the sum.
Passive : Let the sum be done by him.
দ্রষ্টব্য: Let-এর পরে second person বসে না।
Imperative Sentence-
এর active voice-এর প্রথমে বা শেষে যদি adverb থাকে, তবে passive করার সময় তাকে বাক্যের শেষে রেখে দিতে হয়। যেমন
Active : Help him now.
Passive : Let him be helped now.
Active : Always speak the truth.
Passive : Let the truth be spoken always.
Active : Shut the door immediately.
Passive : Let the door be shut immediately.
Active : Today cut the tree.
Passive : Let the tree be cut today (by you).
Imperative Sentence
 যদি negative হয়, তবে Passive voice- করার সময় বাক্যের প্রথমে let not ব্যবহার করতে হয়। অন্যান্য নিয়ম আগের মতোই থেকে যায়।
Active : Do not break the temple.
Passive : Let not the temple be broken (by you).
Active : Don’t post the letter.
Passive : Let not the letter be posted (by you).
Active : Don’t open the door.
Passive : Let not the door be opened (by you).
Complex Sentence-
কে Passive voice করতে হলে Principal clause  sub-ordinate clause উভয়ের Passive করতে হয়। Principal clause-এর সাধারণত object থাকে না। তাই ওই অংশের object হিসেবে it নিতে হয়। যেমন
Active : I know that you helped him.
Passive : It is known to me that he was helped by you.
Active : I thought that Babul had sung a song.
Passive : It was thought by me that a song had been sung by Babul.
# Complex Sentence-
এর sub-ordinate clause-এর যদি object না থাকে, তবে ওই অংশের Passive voice করার দরকার হয় না।  ধরনের sentence-এর বেলায় Principal clause-এর subject হিসেবে it নিয়েও Passive voice করা যায়। তা ছাড়া sub-ordinate clause-এর that-সহ পরের সবটুকুকে passive করার সময় বাক্যের subject করে passive করা যায়। যেমন
Active : I know that the he is a good boy.
Passive : It is known to me that he is a good boy.
Or : That he is a good boy is known to me.
# And
 দ্বারা দুটি বাক্য যুক্ত হলে যদি and-এর উভয় অংশ object থাকে, তবে উভয়েই নিয়ম অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হবে। আর and-এর পরবর্তী অংশে কোনো object না থাকলে প্রথম অংশ বা আগের অংশ পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন
Active : He ate rice and went to school.Passive : Rice was eaten by him and (he) went to school.
Active : He ate rice and gave me a pen.
Passive : Rice was eaten and I was given a pen by him.
অনেক সময় infinitive দ্বারাও voice change করা যায়। যেমন
I don’t like to be hated.
A bank is going to be opened by the manager.
Defective Verb বা Modal Auxiliary রয়েছে  রকম বাক্যকে Passive Voice করার সময় নিচের নিয়মটি প্রযোজ্য হবে
Active Passive Active Passive
can can be might might be
shall shall be would would be
will will be must must be
should should be ought to ought to be
could could be used to used to be
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