My Favorite Teacher/The Person I like Most Free Paragraph/Short

Teachers are the architect to build up a nation. A teacher is an asset to the country. In my student life, I come across many teachers. Of them all, Mr. Sumit Das is my favorite teacher. He is an M.A. in English. He is very gentle man. He is very honest, sincere and punctual. He is a man of letters with profound knowledge in English literature and language. His teaching method is very easy and attractive. He has a strong clean and pleasant voice. Everyday he teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. He is very co-operative. He behaves with the students friendly. He helps the backward students very much. He takes some extra classes for them. He has some special qualities that attract me very much. He is very religious person. He always gives us advices to be honest and religious. He always encourages us to learn new things. Because of having these exceptional qualities in him, he is my favorite teacher. I think, he is a father, brother and close friend.

The Advantages Of Reading Newspapers

The newspaper is the most powerful of all the organs of expression of the news and views about men and the things. Newspapers are regarded by economists as a necessity of modern life. With the growth of literacy and the development of the means of communication they are playing a very important part in society. There are many advantages of reading the newspapers. Firstly the newspapers keep us in touch with the current world affairs. Without them we cannot know the important news even of our own town or village. It extends the bounds of our knowledge and makes us feel that we are a part of a living world. The leading newspapers are in touch with the different part of the world through certain press agencies. They supply them news from every part of the world. Secondly a great deal of information is supplied to us by the newspapers. Important decisions of law courts are published for the benefit of his own liking. Commercial news are published for the businessmen. Lovers of Radio and the Cinema can look up in them the daily programs of these entertainments. The advertisements help the people to buy things. The unemployed can look up the wanted columns for vacant job. Thirdly newspapers ventilate the grievances of the public and form the public opinion. They keep the public and the government in close contact. The subject matters of the leading articles in the newspapers. The rules come to know of the desire of the people through newspapers. The people get aware of the policies and schemes of the government through this agency. Lastly newspapers have their educative value also. Readers of a good newspaper are more intelligent alert and better informed than scholars. Newspapers help us in disseminating good ideas. In newspapers we find reviews on newly published books. We read accounts of discoveries and scientific research. There are useful articles on every topic. In short newspaper play vital role in our life.

My Ambition In Life

Every person a man or a woman has one or the other ambition in life. It is always a good thing to have an ambition in one's life. A man or woman without an ambition is really an unfortunate person because his life is just like a ship without a rudder. It is at the mercy of winds and will be tosses hither and thither aimlessly. As it does not have any set destination. It will reach nowhere. Without any set aim a person can achieve nothing in his life. An ambition is very essential in one's life. Only having an ambition is not enough. A person should also work hard to achieve his ambition. There is no doubt if one makes vigorous efforts one is sure to achieve his aim in life sooner or later. Without making any efforts man cannot realize anything in life. Different persons have different ambitions in their lives. It differs from man to man. Some persons want to get wealth. Others want to achieve fame still others want to service to the mankind. Some want to become doctors, while others want to become engineers. Some want to become business men and others like to pursue a political career. Still others may like to become lawyers. My ambition of life is to become a teacher. I do not want wealth. I do not want to lead the glamourous life of an actor. But I want to serve my country in a very humble capacity. Nearly 70% of the Pakistanis are illiterate. I want to educated my countrymen. I really feel that I can serve my fellomen best by becoming a teacher. This is inspite of the fact that teachers in our country are ill paid. But money is not my main motto in life. A teacher is the real friend. Philosopher and guide of the students. He serves the cause of education. According to Plato education is the turning of the inner eye towards light. The teacher removes the ignorance from the minds of his students. I want to realize the same ideals in my life as a teacher for which great men like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had worked throughout their life. I realize that if we are able to remove ignorance illiteracy and superstitions from our country we can develop it into a great country. I possess that zeal of a missionary for this profession and I know that if I join it the ambition of my life will be fulfilled greatly. I shall not only teach my students the theoretical education but I would try my best to develop their character. I shall try to instill the true spirit of nationalism and patriotism in my students. I shall also teach them to perform their duties first rather than hanker after their rights. I shall try to inculcate in my students a desire of learning the truth and lead to noble and virtuous life.

Duties of Students

Every body has his own duties and rights. The same is true with a student. He also has certain duties. The first and foremost duty of a student if to acquire knowledge and for this he must gladly submit to the rules of discipline and the methods of teaching which his teachers may adopt. As a bee gathers honey as a student should assiduously gather knowledge and wisdom from every source. He must not waste his time in idle pursuits but must utilize every minute to self advancement and progress. He must work for his aim. A student should form regular habits and take great care of his character. He must obey his parents and teachers and follow other directions as they are his best well wishers. A wayward child who does not care for the advice of his elders suffers in the end. He makes no progress. He has to repent in the later life but it is useless to cry over spilt milk. Health is wealth. It is also very important. Every student should take care of health. His aim should be have to a sound mind in a sound body. He must take regular exercise and develop his body. Without health and strength of body he will not be able to go on with his studies.
play an important part in the development of character. And every young man should take park in the games and activities of the school. Let it be remembered that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And all play and no work makes Jack a mere toy. Students should selet their companions with great care. They should not associate at all with men of lower character and those who do not enjoy good reputation. Their companions and friends should be chosen from among good boys. A tree is known by its fruit and a man is known by his company. This thing must be kept in mind. It is also duty of a student to pay full attention to his studies in his class. They should have only one thing in mind and that is studies. They should not sit inattentive in the class nor copy or use unfair means in the examination nor depend upon others. They must develop habits of self reliance. They must also be truthful self respecting cheerful and frank. They should not be quarrelsome. They should be symbol of love. Cleanliness is a part of religion. No one can be healthy without cleanliness. Therefore all the students should be clean. They should be neat in everything. Their dress should not be slovenly or carelessly worn. These are the minute points on character. Students should not neglect their daily prayer. While they seek to strengthen their bodies and minds. They must also strengthen their souls. A sound body has a sound mind. It is the duty of a student to keep his body sound by cleanliness.

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