A noun (Latin: nōmen, "name"[1]) is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.lassifications of Nouns
Proper Nouns
Proper nouns are nouns that refer to specific entities. Writers of English capitalize proper nouns like Nebraska, Steve, Harvard, or White House to show their distinction from common nouns.
Common Nouns
Common nouns refer to general, unspecific categories of entities. Whereas Nebraska is a proper noun because it signifies a specific state, the word state itself is a common noun because it can refer to any of the 50 states in the United States. Harvard refers to a particular institution of higher learning, while the common noun university can refer to any such institution.
Countable Nouns
To linguists, these count nouns can occur in both single and plural forms, can be modified by numerals, and can co-occur with quantificational determiners like many, most, more, several, etc.
For example, the noun bike is a countable noun. Consider the following sentence:
There is a bike in that garage.
In this example, the word bike is singular as it refers to one bike that is presently residing in a particular garage.
However, bike can also occur in the plural form.
There are six broken bikes in that garage.
In this example, the noun bikes refers to more than one bike as it is being modified by the numeral six.
In addition, countable nouns can co-occur with quantificational determiners.
In that garage, several bikes are broken.
This sentence is grammatical, as the noun bike can take the modification of the quantificational determiner several.
Uncountable Nouns or Mass Nouns
Conversely, some nouns are not countable and are called uncountable nouns or mass nouns. For example, the word clutter is a mass noun.
That garage is full of clutter.
This sentence makes grammatical sense. However, the following example does not.
That garage is full of clutters.
Mass nouns can not take plural forms, and therefore a sentence containing the word clutters is ungrammatical.
Substances, liquids, and powders are entities that are often signified by mass nouns such as wood, sand, water, and flour. Other examples would be milk, air, furniture, freedom, rice, and intelligence.
Collective Nouns
In general, collective nouns are nouns that refer to a group of something in a specific manner. Often, collective nouns are used to refer to groups of animals. Consider the following sentences.
Look at the gaggle of geese. There used to be herds of wild buffalo on the prairie. A bevy of swans is swimming in the pond. A colony of ants live in the anthill.
In the above examples, gaggle, herds, bevy, and colony are collective nouns.
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Appendix:Glossary of collective nouns by subject
Here is a list of collective nouns by subject. Don't trust this list; many of these entries are fanciful and never found outside of word lists.
Subject | Collective term |
aardvarks | An armoury of aardvarks |
academics | A faculty of academics |
acrobats | A troupe of acrobats |
actors | A cast, company, condescension, cry, or queue of actors |
actresses | An entrance of actresses |
adders | A sum of adders |
aircraft | A flight of aircraft |
aircraft | A wing of aircraft |
aircraft, fighter | A circus, or wing of fighter aircraft |
albatrosses | A rookery, weight of albatrosses |
alpha computers | A cluster of alpha computers |
ammunition | A cache of ammunition |
angel fish | A company of angel fish |
angels | A choir, chorus, flight, host, or pinhead of angels |
anglers | A catch of anglers |
antelope | A herd, cluster, tribe of antelope |
ants | An army, bike, colony, or swarm of ants |
apes | A shrewdness, or troop of apes |
apples | A bushel of apples |
archer fish | A company of archer fish |
arrows | A quiver of arrows |
artillery | A troop, battery of artillery |
artistes (acrobats, singers or dancers) | A troupe of artistes |
artists (painters) | A colony of artists |
asses | A coffle, drove, herd, or pace of asses |
asteroids | A belt of asteroids |
athletes | A team of athletes |
auks | A raft, colony, flock of auks |
avocets | A colony of avocets |
baboons | A congress, flange, rumpus, or troupe of baboons |
bacteria | A culture of bacteria |
badgers | A cete, clan, or colony of badgers |
bakers | An aroma, tabernacle of bakers |
bananas | A hand, bunch of bananas |
bankers | A wunch of bankers |
bankers, [[]]Scottish | A knot of Scottish bankers |
Baptists | An immersion of Baptists |
barbels | A shoal of barbels |
barbers | A babble of barbers |
barbers, military | A crew of military barbers |
barflies | A buzz of barflies |
barons | A thought of barons |
barracuda | A battery of barracuda |
barristers | A boast, wiggery of barristers |
bass | A shoal, fleet of bass |
bastards | A shower of bastards |
bats | A colony, cloud, cauldron of bats |
bayonets | A grove of bayonets |
beans | A hill of beans |
bears | A maul, pack, sloth, or sleuth of bears |
beasts | A nobility of beasts |
beauties | A bevy, or harmony of beauties |
beavers | A colony, family, or lodge of beavers |
bees | A bike, bike cast, cluster, erst, drift, game, grist, hive, hum, rabble, stand, or swarm of bees |
beggar | A coster, guild, parliament of beggars |
bells | A peal, change, or carillon of bells |
bills | A wad of bills |
birds | A congregation, flock, fleet, parcel, pod, or roost of birds |
birds, large group | A colony of birds (roosting in large numbers) |
birds, small | A dissimulation of birds (small birds) |
birds, in flight | A drift, or flight of birds (in flight) |
birds, migrating | A rush of birds (migrating) |
birds, aviary | A volery of birds (in an aviary) |
bishops | A sea, bench, or psalter of bishops |
bison | A herd, gang of bison |
bitterns | A pretence, sedge or siege of bitterns |
blackbirds | A cloud, flock, grind, merl of blackbirds |
blackfish | A grind of blackfish |
blankets | A swelter of blankets |
bloodhounds | A sute of bloodhounds |
blossoms | A flourish of blossoms |
boars | A herd, or singular of boars |
boars, wild | A sounder of wild boars |
bobolinks | A chain of bobolinks (polygamous bird, Ricebird) |
bomblets | A cluster of bomblets |
books | A library, pile, compendium of books |
boors | A rood of boors |
borg | A collective, hive of borg |
bowlers | A keg of bowlers |
bowls | A nest of bowl's |
boys | A blush, leer, passel or rascal of boys |
brats | A passel of brats |
bread | A batch of bread |
brush, wood | A bavin of brush (wood) |
bucks | A brace, clash, herd of bucks |
budgerigars | A chatter, flock of budgerigars |
buffalo | A gang, herd, or obsinancy of buffalo |
bullfinches | A bellowing, lowing of bullfinches |
bullocks | A drove of bullocks |
burritos | A pace of burritos |
business angels | A bevy of business angels |
bustards | A flock, wake of bustards |
butterflies | A flight, flutter, kaleidoscope, rabble, swarm, or wing of butterflies |
butterfly fish | A school of butterfly fish |
buzzards | A wake, kettle, pack of buzzards |
cadets | A corps of cadets |
camels | A caravan, flock, herd, train of camels |
(canal) lock | A flight of locks |
candidates | A slate of candidates |
candies | A mint of candies |
canons | A dignity, chapter of canons |
canyons | A maze of canyons |
capercaillies | A tok of capercaillies (i.e. Old World grouse) |
capons | A mews, muse of capons |
cardinals | A conclave, or radiance of cardinals |
cards | A deck, pack, hand of cards |
caribou | A herd of caribou |
carpenters | A pound of carpenters |
cars | A fleet, mayhem, or stack of cars |
cat houses | A mews of cat houses |
caterpillars | An army of caterpillars |
Catholics | A mass of Catholics |
cats | A clowder, cluster, clutter, destruction, dout, dowt, glaring, kindle, litter, or pounce of cats |
cats and dogs | A rain of cats and dogs |
cattle | A drift, drove, kine, mob, herd, team of cattle |
cattle, two | A yoke of cattle |
cavalry | A troop of cavalry |
cavalry | A squadron of cavalry |
cellists | A parenthesis of cellists |
censors | A gaggle of censors |
chairs | A fold of chairs |
chamois | A herd of chamois |
cheerleaders | An array of cheerleaders |
cheetahs | A coalition of cheetahs |
chess players | A board, or brood of chess players |
chickens | A brood, chattering, cletch, clutch, flock, or peep of chickens |
children | An ingratitude of children |
chimpanzees | A whoop, family, cartload of chimpanzees |
chinchillas | A colony, herd of chinchillas |
choughs | A chattering of choughs |
churchgoers | A congregation of churchgoers |
churls | A cluster of churls |
circuits | A bank of circuits |
clams | A bed of clams |
claques | A shriek of claques |
clerks | A school, rookery of clerks |
clouds | A soufflé of clouds |
clowns | A shudder, an alley, or pratfall of clowns |
cobblers | A cutting, drunken ship, drunkship, or load of cobblers |
cobras | A quiver of cobras |
cocides | A bed of cocides |
cockatoos | A chattering, clattering, cluttering, crackle, or family of cockatoos |
cockles | A bed of cockles |
cockroaches | An intrusion, or swarm of cockroaches |
cock-turkeys | A posse of cock-turkeys |
cod | A lap, school of cod |
coins | A roll, or roleau of coins |
coloraturas | A quaver of coloraturas |
colts | A rack, rag, or rake of colts |
comedians | A gaggle, or riot of comedians |
communists | A colhose of communists |
computers | A cluster of computers |
computers, linked | A network of computers (linked together) |
condiments | An accompaniment of condiments |
conges | A congerie of conges |
conies | A bury, or game of conies |
convicts | A gang of convicts |
convicts | A chain of convicts |
cooks | A temperance, hastiness of cooks |
coots | A commotion, cover, covert, fleet, flock, pod, raft, rasp, or swarm of coots |
corgi | A consort of corgi |
cormorants | A flight, gulp of cormorants |
corn | A sheaf, shock of corn (pile of stalks). |
coughs | A chattering of coughs |
courtesans | A harem of courtesans |
cowboy mounts, extra | A cavvy, or remuda of extra cowboy mounts |
cowboys | A saunter of cowboys |
cows | A drift, drove, flink, herd, kine, or mob of cows |
coyotes | A band, pack, rout, or run of coyotes |
cranes | A herd, sedge, siege, or flock of cranes |
crickets | An orchestra of crickets |
crocodiles | A bask, congregation, float, or nest of crocodiles |
crows | A cauldron, caucus, congress, cowardice, hover, murder, muster, parcel, or storytelling of crows |
cubs | A litter of cubs |
curates | A charge of curates |
curlews | A head, herd, salon, skein, or wedge of curlews |
curs | A cowardice of curs |
cymbals | A sign of cymbals |
dachshunds | A moxie of doxies |
dancers, male | A flight of dancers |
dancers, female | A float of dancers |
dancers | A gambol, or troupe of dancers |
daubers | A squat of daubers |
deans | A decanter, or decorum of deans |
debtors | A split of debtors |
debutants | A delirium of debutants |
decorators | A tantrum of decorators |
deer, roe | A bevy of roe deer |
deer, two/three | A brace (2), or leash (3) of deer |
deer | A bunch, herd, parcel, mob, or rangale of deer |
dentists | An amalgam, brace, or wince of dentists |
dermatologists | A rash of dermatologists |
designers | A set, or subtlety of designers |
diagnosticians | A guess of diagnosticians |
dice | A luck of dice |
dictators | A tyranny of dictators |
dictionaries | A meaning of dictionaries |
dieters | A pot of dieters |
dilation | A dilation of pupils |
dinosaurs | A herd, or pack of dinosaurs |
directions | A vane of directions |
directors | A gild, drove, or board of directors |
barstaff | A disappearance of barstaff |
divorcees | A desperation of divorcees |
DIYers | A bodge of DIYers |
doctors | A doctrine, or dose of doctors |
documents | A wealth, or dossier of documents |
dodos | An extinction of dodos |
dogfish | A troop of dogfish |
dogs, two/three | A brace (2), or leash (3) of dogs |
dogs | A kennel, or pack of dogs |
dollars | A fistful of dollars |
dolphins | A herd, flock, pod, school, or team of dolphins |
dominoes | A falling of dominoes |
donkeys | A herd, drove, or pace of donkeys |
dons | An obstruction of dons |
doorkeepers | A safeguard of doorkeepers |
dotterel | A trip of dotterel |
doves | A bevy, cote, dole, dule, exaltation, flight, piteousness, or prettying of doves |
dowagers | A bevy, or frost of dowagers |
dragonet fish | A swarm of dragonet fish |
dragons | A doom, flight, weyr, or wing of dragons |
dray | A dray of squirrels |
drinks | A round of drinks |
drones, literary | A swarm of literary drones |
drongos | A bunch of drongos |
drugs | A cocktail of drugs |
drummers | An asylum, fagot, or roll of drummers |
drums | A kettle of drums |
drunks | A load, or stone of drunks |
ducks | A brace, bunch, flush, flock, skein, sord, or string of ducks |
ducks, on ground | A badelynge of ducks (on the ground) |
ducks, swimming | A paddling of ducks (while swimming) |
ducks, idle in water | A raft of ducks (while idle in water) |
ducks, flying | A flight, plump, or team of ducks (while flying) |
ducks, diving | A dopping of ducks (diving) |
dunbirds | A rush, or flight of dunbirds |
dung | A pile of dung |
dunlin | A fling of dunlin |
dwarves | A shortage of dwarves |
eagles | An aerie, convocation, jubilee, soar, or spread of eagles |
earth ware, broken | A fragment of broken earth ware |
ecdysiasts | A strip of ecdysiasts (striptease artists) |
economists | A deficit or recession of economists |
editors | An erudition of editors |
eels | A fry or swarm of eels |
eggs | A clutch of eggs |
egos | A pumphouse of egos |
eland | A herd of eland |
electors | A college of electors |
electricians | A grid or ohm of electricians |
elephants | A herd, memory, or parade of elephants |
elk | A gang or herd of elk |
Elvis impersonators | A wiggle of Elvis impersonators |
embarrassments | A blush of embarrassments |
emos | An embarrassment of emos |
emotions | A wash of emotions |
empiricists | A tabula rasa of empiricists |
employees | A staff of employees |
emus | A mob of emus |
engineers | An awkward, design or geek of engineers |
Englishmen | A pound of Englishmen |
epidemiologists | A host of epidemiologists |
Episcopalians | A government of Episcopalians |
equestrians | A prance of equestrians |
errands | A hassle of errands |
estimations | A bout of estimations |
experts | A panel, discord of experts |
exterminators | A slew of exterminators |
fairies | A herd or fantasy of fairies |
falcons, pair | A cast of falcons |
falcons | A soar or tower of falcons |
fans | A thrill of fans |
farts | A gross of farts |
Fence builders | An encroachment of fence-builders |
fencers | A poke of fencers |
ferrets | A business, cast, or fesnyng of ferrets |
finches | A charm, chirm, company, trembling, or trimming of finches |
fine print | A pitfall of fine print |
firewood | A faggot of firewood |
fish | A catch, draught, drift, fray, haul, kettle, run, scale, school, or shoal of fish |
fishermen | A drift, exaggeration, grumble or sulk of fishermen |
flamingos | A flamboyance, flurry, regiment, skein, or stand of flamingos |
flashers | A phalanx or revelation of flashers |
flautists | A phalanx of flautists |
flies | A business, cloud, grist, hatch or swarm of flies |
florists | A bed, bouquet, bunch, garden, or patch of florists |
flowers | A bunch or bouquet of flowers |
flying fish | A glide of flying fish |
footballers | A coach of footballers |
footsteps | A patter of footsteps |
foresters | A stalk, coop of foresters |
fowl | A plump, trip, or skein (in flight) of fowl |
foxes | An earth, lead, skulk, or troop of foxes |
foxes, three | A leash (3) of foxes |
freezers | A glacier of freezers |
Frenchmen | A peck of Frenchmen |
freshmen | A clump, plentitude of freshman |
friars | A scull, skulk of friars |
frogs | A knot, froggery of frogs |
frogs | An army, colony of frogs |
front end loaders | A heap of front-end loaders |
fungi | A colony of fungi |
fur seals | A harem of seals (belonging to one male) |
furniture | A suite of furniture |
gamblers | A talent of gamblers |
gangsters | A knuckle of gangsters |
gardeners | A sprinkling of gardeners |
gays | A village of gays |
gears | A rack of gears |
geese | A flock, gaggle, trip, team of geese |
geese | A gaggle of geese (wild or domesticated) (on water) |
geese | A nide of geese |
geese | A skein of geese (in flight) |
geese, flying | A wedge of geese (flying in a "V") |
geldings | A clipping, brace of geldings |
generals | A glitter of generals |
geneticists | A helix of geneticists |
geologists | A conglomerate of geologists |
geologists | A formation of geologists |
geometrists | A plane of geometrists |
gerbils | A horde of gerbils |
Germans | A gross of Germans |
ghosts | A fraid of ghosts |
ghosts | A fright of ghosts |
giraffes | A corps of giraffe |
giraffes | A herd of giraffes |
giraffes | A stretch of giraffes |
giraffes | A totter of giraffes |
giraffes | A tower of giraffes |
giraffes | A JOURNEY of giraffes |
girls | A giggle of girls |
girls, tanked sorority | A bevy of tanked sorority girls |
gloves | A elicat of gloves |
gluttons | A slaver of gluttons |
gnats | A cloud of gnats |
gnats | A clout of gnats |
gnats | A horde of gnats |
gnats | A horde, swarm of gnats |
gnus | An implausibility, herd of gnus |
goats | A drove of goats |
goats | A flock, herd of goats |
goats | A tribe of goats |
goats | A trip of goats |
gods | A pantheon of gods |
goldfinch | A vein of goldfinch |
goldfinches | A drum, charm, glister, chattering, troubling of goldfinches |
goldfish | A glint, [[troubling[1]]] of goldfish |
golf balls | A flight of golf balls |
golfers | A lie of golfers |
golfers | A tedium of golfers |
goons | A plunder of goons |
goosanders | A dopping of goosanders |
gorillas | A band of gorillas |
gorillas | A woop of gorillas |
goshawks | A flight of goshawks |
goslings | A [[shoal[e]]], skein of goslings |
gossip columnists | A slither of gossip columnists |
gossips | A dish of gossips |
gourmands | A delicatessen of gourmands |
gourmets | A elicatessen of gourmets |
governesses | A galaxy of governesses |
graduate students | A fortitude of graduate students |
graduates | An unemployment of graduates |
grammarians | A conjunction of grammarians |
grandparents | A nag of grandparents |
grandparents | A wisdom of grandparents |
grapes | A bunch, cluster of (sour) grapes |
grasses | A fistful of grasses |
grasshoppers | A cloud of grasshoppers |
grasshoppers | A cluster of grasshoppers |
grasshoppers | A swarm of grasshoppers |
greyhounds | A gallop, leash of greyhounds |
griffins | A pryde of griffins |
grits | A mess of grits |
groupies | A grope of groupies |
grouse | A brace (2) of grouse |
grouse | A brood of grouse (large group) |
grouse | A covey of grouse (single family) |
grouse | A drumming of grouse (derivation: their mating call]], [[generated with the wings) |
grouse | A lek of grouse |
grouse | A pack, flight of grouse |
guillemots | A bazaar of guillemots |
guinea pigs | A group of guinea pigs |
gulls | A colony, pack of gulls |
gulls | A screech of gulls |
gunships | A hailstorm of gunships |
gurus | A profit of gurus |
gym instructors | A set of gym instructors |
gymnasts | A tumbler of gymnasts |
gynaecologists | A [[smear o gynaecologists |
gypsies | A store of gypsies |
hackers | A cruft of hackers |
hair | A tuz, lock, wig of hair |
hairdressers | A set, swish of hairdressers |
hammers | A morning of hammers |
hamsters | A horde of hamsters |
hand tools | A grip of hand tools |
hares | A down of hares |
hares | A husk, huske of hares |
hares | A leap of hares |
hares | A leash (3)]] of hares |
hares | A trace, flick, herd, kindle of hares |
hares | A trip, drove, warren of hares |
haries | A swarm of haries |
harlots | A herd of harlots |
harpers | A melody of harpers |
harps | A twangle of harps |
hartebeest | A herd of hartebeest |
harts | A herd of harts |
haute bourgeoisie | An ennui of haute bourgeoisie |
hawks | A boil, schizophrenia, mews, aerie, moulting, screw, stream of hawks |
hawks | A cast of hawks (a pair released after game)) |
hawks | A kettle of hawks (riding a thermal) |
hawks | A leash (3) of hawks |
hawks | An aerie, moulting, screw, stream of hawks |
hedgehogs | A prickle, array of hedgehogs |
hedonists | A debauchery of Hedonists |
heirs | An expectation of heirs |
helicopters | A hover of helicopters |
helpers | A hamper of helpers |
hens | A brood of hens |
herdsmen | A waywardness of herdsmen |
hermits | An observance of hermits |
herons | A hedge, siege, sedge, sege, station, rookery, flight, colony of herons |
herrings | A glean, shoal, army of herrings |
hills | An undulation of hills |
hinds | A parcel of hinds |
hippies | A trip of hippies |
hippopotami | A crash, pod, school, thunder of hippopotami |
hippopotami | A herd, bloat of hippopotami |
hippos | A huddle of hippos |
hit men, retired | A slew of retired hit men |
hitmen | A magnum of hitmen |
hobos | A bindle of hobos]], A flagon of hobos |
hogs | A drift, drove of hogs |
hogs | A parcel of hogs |
hogs | A passel of hogs |
homework | A slew of homework |
homosexuals | An ensemble of homosexuals |
hoodlums | A gang of hoodlums |
hornets | A bike, nest, swarm of hornets |
horsemen | A cavalcade of horsemen |
horseplayers | A parlay of horseplayers |
horses | A harras of horses (breeding) |
horses | A herd, troop, string, drove of horses |
horses | A pair of horses |
horses | A remuda of horses (in a large group]], [[as a herd) |
horses | A span (team of 2) of horses |
horses | A stable of horses |
horses | A stud of horses |
horses | A team of horses |
hostlers | A laughter of hostlers |
hounds | A brace (2) leash (3) of hounds |
hounds | A cry of hounds |
hounds | A hunt, meet of hounds |
hounds | A kennel of hounds |
hounds | A mute of hounds |
hounds | A pack of hounds |
hounds | A stable of hounds |
hounds | A sute of hounds |
housekeepers | A foresight of housekeepers |
houses | A huddle of houses |
humming birds | A hover of hummingbirds |
hummingbirds | A charm, shimmer, glittering, bouquet, chattering, drum, troubling of hummingbirds |
hunters | A blast of hunters |
husbands | A multiply of husbands |
husbands | An unhappiness of husbands |
hybrids | A vigour of hybrids |
hyenas | A cackle of hyenas |
hyenas | A clan of hyenas |
ibex | A herd of ibex |
ibises | A colony of ibises |
icebergs | A crush of icebergs |
icebergs | A drift of icebergs |
ichthyologists | A scale of ichthyologists |
icons | A shield of icons |
idiots | A thicket of idiots |
iguanas | A mess of iguanas |
impalas | A couple of impalas |
impediments | A vagary of impediments |
impressionists | A blur of impressionists |
infantry | A crèche of infantry |
information | A wealth of information |
ingénues | A spate of ingénues |
in-laws | An imposition of in-laws |
insects | A flight, cloud of insects |
insects | A swarm, plague, horde, rabble of insects |
instruments, musical | A parley of musical instruments |
intellects | A pretension of intellects |
interpreters | A tongue lashing of interpreters |
Irishmen | A pint of Irishmen |
islands | A chain of islands |
islands | An archipelago of islands |
Italians | An explosion of Italians |
jackdaws | A train, pair, band of jackdaws |
jackrabbits | A husk of jackrabbits |
jays | A band of jays |
jays | A cast of jays |
jays | A party of jays |
jays | A scold of jays |
jellyfish | A fluther of jellyfish |
jellyfish | A smack of jellyfish |
jellyfish | A smuth, smuck of jellyfish |
jellyfish | A studk, stuck of jellyfish |
jewellers | A ring of jewellers |
jewels | A cache of jewels |
Jews | A minyan of Jews (the quorum for a congregation) |
jigsaw puzzlers | An assemblage of jigsaw puzzlers |
jockeys | A race of jockeys |
joggers | A wheeze of joggers |
journalists | A scoop, slant of journalists |
judges | A bench, sentence, bevy of judges |
jugglers | A neverthriving of jugglers |
juniors | A gratitude of juniors |
kangaroo | A flock, troop of kangaroo |
kangaroos | A court of kangaroos (see note) |
kangaroos | A mob of kangaroos |
kangaroos | A troop of kangaroos |
keglers | A bowl of keglers |
kestrels | A flight, soar of kestrels |
keys | A ring of keys (linked physically) |
kids | A caper of kids |
kingfishers | A concentration, realm, rattle, clique of kingfishers |
kites (birds) | A kettle, soar, roost of kites |
kittens | A kindle of kittens |
kittens (cats) | A litter of kittens (cats) |
kittens (rabbits) | A wrack of kittens (rabbits) |
kleptomaniacs | A clutch of kleptomaniacs |
knaves | A riff raff of knaves |
knights | A banner of knights |
knights | A rout(e) of knights |
knots | A medusa, cluster of knots |
ladies | A bevy of ladies |
lambs | A fall of lambs |
lambs | A rack of lambs |
lamentations | A moan of lamentations |
lapwings | A deceit, desert of lapwings |
larks | A bevy, flight, happiness, springful of larks |
larks | An ascension of larks |
larks | An exaltation, exalting of larks |
lavatories | A flush of lavatories |
laws, bad | A strangle of bad laws |
lawyers | A disputation of lawyers |
lawyers | A greed of lawyers |
lawyers | A huddle of lawyers |
lawyers | A quarrel of lawyers |
lawyers | An eloquence of lawyers |
lawyers | An escheat of lawyers |
leaves | An autumn of leaves |
lecturers | A drift of lecturers |
leopards | A leap, lepe of leopards |
lepers | A colony of lepers |
lesbians | A tough of lesbians |
leverets | A kindle of leverets |
liberals | A pink of liberals |
librarians | A catalogue of librarians |
librarians | A stack, shush of librarians |
lice | A colony, infestation, flock of lice |
lines | A pencil of lines (proper contemporary group term in mathematics.) |
linguists | A babble of linguists |
linnets | A parcel of linnets |
lions | A pride of lions |
lions | A sault of lions |
lions | A sowse, troop, flock of lions |
lispers | A plethora of lispers |
listeners | A fascination, audience of listeners |
lizards | A lounge of lizards |
llamas | A herd of llamas |
loafers | A multiplication of loafers |
locals | A plague of locals |
locusts | A plague, cloud, swarm of locusts |
logicians | A sequitur of logicians |
lollies | A packet of lollies |
loopholes | A ho ho! of loopholes |
lorries | A fleet, convoy of lorries |
lovebirds | A pair, orgy of lovebirds |
lovers | A trance of lovers |
luddites | A smashing of luddites |
luminaries | An array of luminaries |
lutists | A litany of lutists |
lynx | A chain of lynx |
machine guns | A nest of machine guns |
mackerel | A shoal of mackerel |
magicians | An illusion of magicians |
magistrates | A bench of magistrates |
magpies | A congregation, charm, flock, gulp, murder, tiding, tittering, tribe of magpies |
maidens | A rage of maidens |
mallards | A lute, battling of mallards |
mallards | A puddling of mallards (on water) |
mallards | A sord, sute, flush of mallards (Old French sordre = rise up in flight) |
managers | An asylum of managers |
maps | An atlas of maps |
marching bands | A Sousa of marching bands |
mares | A stud of mares |
mares, brood | An overbearance of brood mares |
marines | A muscle of marines |
martens | A richness, richesse of martens |
masseurs | A pummel of masseurs |
masters | An example of masters |
matadors | A pavanne of matadors |
mathematicians | A number of mathematicians |
mathematicians | A set of mathematicians |
mathematicians | An addition of mathematicians |
matrons | A riches of matrons |
meanderings | A confusion of meanderings |
meatheads | A density of meatheads |
mechanics | A clutch, torque of mechanics |
mediators | A compromise, caucus of mediators |
men | A band of (merry) men |
men | A host of men |
merchants | A faith of merchants |
messengers | A diligence of messengers |
metallurgists | An amalgamation of metallurgists |
meteorologists | A shower of meteorologists |
mice | A nest, horde, mischief, click, trip of mice |
microbiologists | A colony of microbiologists |
midges | A bite of midges |
midwives | An expectation of midwives |
minks | A richness of minks |
minnows | A shoal, steam, stream, swarm of minnows |
misers | A horde of misers |
mites | A mite of mites |
mockingbirds | An impression, plagiary, exactness, echo, precision, ridicule of mockingbirds |
models | A slouch of models |
moles | A company of moles |
moles | A labour of moles |
moles | A movement, arbour of moles |
money | A wad, rouleau, cache of money |
mongooses | A band, pack of mongooses |
mongrels | A ménage of mongrels |
monitors | A bank of monitors |
monkeys | A barrel of monkeys |
monkeys | A machination, wilderness of monkeys |
monkeys | A mission of monkeys |
monkeys | A tribe of monkeys |
monkeys | A troop, troup, cartload of monkeys |
monks | An abominable sight of monks |
monks | An abomination of monks (see note) |
moorhens | A plump of moorhens |
moose | A herd of moose |
Mormons | A book of Mormons |
morning glories | A dawn of morning glories |
morticians | A slab of morticians |
mosquitoes | A scourge, swarm of mosquitoes |
mothers | A consternation of mothers |
mothers-in-law | A mutter of mothers-in-law |
motorcyclist | A clutch of motorcyclists |
mountains | A range of mountains |
mourners | A cortege of mourners |
mourners | A pathos of mourners |
moving men | A truculence of moving men |
mudhen | A fleet of mudhen |
mules | A barren of mules |
mules | A pack, rake, string of mules |
mules | A span (team of 2) mules |
mushrooms | A troop, sproutness of mushrooms |
musicians | A band of musicians |
musicians | An orchestra of musicians |
mussels | A bed of mussels |
mythological creatures | A bestiary of mythological creatures |
narcissists | A mug of narcissists |
narcissists | A reflection of narcissists |
natives | A tribe of natives |
Nazis | A jungle of Nazis |
neighbours | An annoyance, nerve of neighbours |
newsboys | A scream of newsboys |
newscasters | A veneer of newscasters |
niccolos | A nonsense of niccolos |
nieces | A squeal of nieces |
night students | A pallor of night students |
nightingales | A watch, match, pray, kettle of nightingales |
nightwatchmen | A pallor of nightwatchmen |
Northerners | A freeze of Northerners |
nouns | A collective of nouns |
nouns | A propriety of nouns |
nuns | A murmur of nuns (as of their sound) |
nuns | A prey, flap, convent of nuns |
nuns | A superfluity of nuns |
nymphomaniacs | A spread of nymphomaniacs |
oarsmen | A row of oarsmen |
objectivists | A Rand of Objectivists |
objects | A collection of objects |
office boys | An ogle of office boys |
officers | A mess, execution of officers |
old guard | A slumber of old guard |
onlookers | A crowd of onlookers |
on-lookers | A fascination of on-lookers |
optometrists | A vision of optometrists |
orangutans | A buffoonery of orangutans |
orchids | A coterie of orchids |
orgiasts | A concatenation of orgiasts |
orphans | An abandonment of orphans |
orthodontists | A brace of orthodontists |
orthopaedists | A cast, brace of orthopaedists |
osteopaths | A joint of osteopaths |
ostriches | A wobble, pride, flock of ostriches |
otologists | A herd of otologists (a physician who specializes |
otters | A romp, family, raft, bevy, ramp of otters |
over achievers | A leap of over achievers |
ovoids | A metamorphosis of ovoids |
owls | A parliament of owls |
owls | A stare of owls |
owls | A wisdom, sagaciousness of owls |
oxbirds | A fling of oxbirds |
oxen | A span, meinie of oxen |
oxen | A team, drove, herd of oxen |
oxen | A yoke (2) of oxen |
oysters | A bed, hive of oysters |
oysters, young | A set of young oysters |
Pacificans | A troop of Pacificans |
padres | A host of padres |
painters | An illusion, madder, curse, misbelieving of painters |
paisleys | A swirl of paisleys |
palindrome | A tenet of palindromes |
palm readers | A handful of palm readers |
paparazzi | A flash of paparazzi |
paper | A pad of (sheets of) paper |
paper | A ream of paper (see note) |
paratroops | A storm of paratroops |
pardoners | A lying of pardoners |
parents | A persistence of parents |
parents | An embarrassment of parents(for use by teenagers) |
parishioners | A kneeling of parishioners |
parking attendants | A lot of parking attendants |
parrots | A company, flock of parrots |
parrots | A pandemonium of parrots |
parrots | A prattle, psittacosis of parrots |
parrs | A glut of parrs |
particulars | A bill of particulars |
partridges | A covey, bevy, cover, brace of partridges |
partridges | A warren, clutch of partridges |
pathologists | A body of pathologists |
patients | A virtue of patients |
patrick | A bungle of patricks |
peacocks | A muster of peacocks |
peacocks | A pride, pulchritude of peacocks |
peacocks | An ostentation of peacocks |
pearls | A rope, string of pearls |
peas | A pod of peas |
pedants | A parliament of pedants |
peddlers | A malapertness (= impertinence) of peddlers |
pekinese | A pomp of pekinese |
pelicans | A brief, rookery, scoop, colony, raft, squadron, [[pod |
penguins | A colony, rookery of penguins |
penguins | A crèche of penguins |
penguins | A formality of penguins |
penguins | A huddle of penguins |
penguins | A parade, [[waddle (on dry land), |
penguins | A parcel of penguins |
penguins | A rookery of penguins |
Pentecostals | A glossolalia of Pentecostals |
people | A congregation, crowd of people |
perch | A pack of perch |
percussionist | A meter of percussionists |
peregrines | A cadge of peregrines |
performers | A [[troup(e)of performers |
phantoms | A phantasmagoria of phantoms |
pharmacists | A mixture of pharmacists |
pheasants | A bouquet of pheasants (when flushed) |
pheasants | A covey of pheasants (while on the ground) |
pheasants | A covey, nest of pheasants |
pheasants | A head, warren of pheasants |
pheasants | A nye, nide of pheasants (while on the ground) |
philatelists | A stampede of philatelists |
philosophers | A ponder, confusion of philosophers |
philosophers | A wrangle of philosophers |
photographers | A clique of photographers |
photographers | A snap of photographers |
photons | An enlightenment of photons |
physicians | A college of physicians |
physicists | A nucleus of physicists |
pianists | A pound of pianists |
pigeons | A dropping of pigeons |
pigeons | A kit, flight of pigeons (flying together) |
pigeons | A loft, flock of pigeons |
piglets | A farrow,passel of piglets |
piglets | A litter, farrow of piglets |
pigs | A drove of pigs |
pigs | A fleet of pigs |
pigs | A herd of pigs |
pigs | A litter of pigs |
pigs | A sounder of pigs |
pilchards | A shoal, school of pilchards |
pill-poppers | A gaggle of pill poppers |
pilots | A yoke of pilots |
pintail | A knob of pintail |
pipers | A poverty of pipers |
pipers | A skirl of pipers |
pistols | A brace of pistols |
planes | A stack of planes |
planets | A quincunx of planets |
plankton | A cloud of plankton |
plans | A breakdown of plans |
players | A cry of players |
players | A huddle, retinue of players |
playingcards | A pack, deck of playingcards |
playwrights | A plot of playwrights |
pleasure | A glut of pleasure |
pleasures | A guilt of pleasures |
plovers | A congregation of plovers |
plovers | A stand, band, leash of plovers |
plovers | A wing, flight of plovers |
plumbers | A flood of plumbers |
plumbers | A flush of plumbers |
pochard | A rush, flight, knob (small number) of pochard |
poems | An anthology of poems |
poets | A rhyme of poets |
poets | An iamb of poets |
poets | An obscurity of poets |
poker players | A stud of poker players |
polar bears | An aurora, pack of polar bears |
polecats | A chine of polecats |
politicians | A lie of politicians |
politicians | An equivocation of politicians |
politicians | An odium of politicians |
ponies | A string of ponies |
poodles | A salon of Poodles |
porcupine fish | A cluster of porcupine fish |
porcupines | A prickle of porcupines |
porpoises | A herd, pod, school, gam of porpoises |
porpoises | A turmoil of porpoises |
porters | A grip of porters |
porters | A safeguard of porters |
portfolio managers | A stock of portfolio managers |
posers | A posse of posers |
possum | A passel of possum |
posties | A parcel of posties |
potato chips | A salt substrate of potato chips |
pottage | A mess of pottage |
poultry | A run of poultry |
prairie dogs | A coterie, town of prairie dogs |
preachers | A converting of preachers |
preachers | A pontification of preachers |
prelates | A pontifica of prelates |
prelates | A pontificality of prelates |
premises | A breach of premises |
Presbyterians | A membership of Presbyterians |
Press Officers | An Alancrockford of Press Officers |
pretzels | A salt substrate of pretzels |
priests | A discretion of priests |
priests | A lechery of priests |
priests | A mass of priests |
priests | A superfluity of priests |
prima donnas | A spite of prima donnas |
princes | A state of princes |
prisoners | A pity of prisoners |
proctologists | A buttload, pile of proctologists |
professors | A pomposity of professors |
professors emeriti | An ex cathedra of professors emeriti |
professors, assistant | A clamber of assistant professors |
professors, associate | A tenure of associate professors |
professors, full | An entrenchment of professors |
programmers | An archive of programmers |
programmers, Microsoft computer | An asylum, bloat of Microsoft computer programmers |
proofreaders | A squint of proofreaders |
prose | An anthology of prose |
prostitutes | A stable of prostitutes |
prostitutes | A whored of prostitutes |
prostitutes | An anthology of pros (prostitutes) (see note)]], A firm of solicitors]], A jam of tarts]], A flourish of strumpets |
psychoanalysts | A complex of psychoanalysts |
psychologists | A complex of psychologists |
ptarmigans | A covey of ptarmigans |
public speakers | A twaddle of public speakers |
puddles | A splash of puddles |
puffins | A raft, improbability, circus, loomery of puffins |
pugilists | A box of pugilists |
pugs | A grumble of Pugs |
puns | A groan of puns |
pupils | A dilation of pupils |
puppies | A litter of puppies |
puppies | A piddle of puppies |
pyromaniacs | A blaze of pyromaniacs |
pyromaniacs | A conflagration of pyromaniacs |
quail | A bevy, flush, knob, rout, shake of quail |
quail | A covey of quail |
quail | A drift of quail |
Quakers | A meeting of Quakers |
queers | A camp of queers |
quilts | A hotbed of quilts |
rabbits | A bury, berry, colony, drove, herd, leash, nest, trace, trip, warren, wrack of rabbits |
raccoons | A mask, gaze, nursery of raccoons |
racehorses | A field, meet, string of racehorses |
radio announcers | A herd of radio announcers |
radiologists | A series of radiologists |
railroad schedules | A tragedy of railroad schedules |
rainbow fish | A party of rainbow fish |
rats | A colony, mischief of rats |
rats | A pack of rats |
rats | A rabble of rats |
rats | A swarm, horde, plegue of rats |
rattle snakes | A rhumba of rattle snakes |
ravens | A conspiracy, storytelling, tower, aerie, parliament of ravens |
ravens | A constable of ravens |
ravens | An unkindness of ravens |
ravers | A scatter of ravers |
realtors | A lot of realtors |
reasons | A rainbow of reasons |
rebuttals | A quiver of rebuttals |
redwing | A crowd of redwing |
reeds | A clump of reeds |
refugees | A flight of refugees |
relatives | A descent of relatives |
relatives | A gossip of relatives |
renters | A knot of renters |
repairmen | An overcharge of repairmen |
reporters | A scoop of reporters |
reviewers | A pan of reviewers |
rhinoceroses | A crash, herd, stubbornness of rhinoceroses |
ribs | A rack of ribs |
riches | An embarrassment of riches |
rioters | A melee of rioters |
roach | A shoal of roach |
road ragers | A stack of road ragers |
robbers | A band of robbers |
robins | A worm of robins |
roe deer | A bevy of roe deer |
roebucks | A bevy of roebucks |
roes | A bevy of roes |
rooks | A building, congregation, shoal, wing of rooks |
rooks | A clamour, storytelling of rooks |
rooks | A parliament of rooks |
ruffs | A hill of ruffs |
sailors | A crew of sailors |
sailors | A deck of sailors |
saints | A calendar of saints |
salesmen | A sample of salesmen |
salmon | A bind, school, shoal, draught of salmon |
salmon | A run, leap of salmon |
salt | A lot of salt |
saltines | A salt substrate of saltines |
sandpipers | A fling of sandpipers |
sardines | A family of sardines |
satellites | A constellation of satellites |
scholars | A brow of scholars |
schoolboys | A rout of schoolboys |
schoolies | A chalk of schoolies |
Scots | A disworship, clan of Scots |
Scots | A fifth of Scots |
scouts | A woggle of scouts |
sea fowl | A cloud of sea fowl |
seagulls | A flock, flotilla, screech, squabble, scavenging of seagulls |
seahorses | A herd of seahorses |
seals | A plum, herd, team of seals |
seals | A pod, bob, colony, crash, harem, plump of seals |
seals | A rockery, rookery of seals |
seals | A spring of seals |
seamstresses | A scolding of seamstresses |
second thoughts | A clutch of second thoughts |
seismologists | A quake of seismologists |
senators | A compromise of senators |
senators | A house of senators |
senators | A pomposity of senators |
seniors | An attitude of seniors |
sergeants at law | A subtlety of sergeants at law |
sermons | A squash of sermons |
servants | An obeisance of servants |
shad | A shoal of shad |
sharks | A shiver, school, shoal of sharks |
sheep | A flock, mob, herd, drift, drove, fold, wing of sheep |
sheep | A trip, hurtle, down, meinie, parcel of sheep |
sheets (paper) | A pad of sheets |
sheldrakes | A doading, dopping of sheldrakes |
shells (sea) | A midden of shells |
shells, artillery | A broadside of (artillery) shells (on water) |
shells, artillery | A salvo of [artillery] shells |
shepherds | A Sodom of shepherds |
sheriffs | A posse of sheriffs |
ships | A fleet of ships |
ships | A flotilla of ships |
ships | An armada of ships |
shoelaces | A knot of shoelaces |
shoemakers | A blackening of shoemakers |
shoes | A scandal, pair of shoes |
shoppers | A crush of shoppers |
show dogs | A bench of show dogs |
shrimps | A troup of shrimps |
silk screens | A pull of silk-screens |
silks (QCs) | A purse of silks |
silver foxes | A richness of silver foxes |
similes | A superfluity of similes |
singers | A choir, harmony of singers |
Sirens | A wail of sirens |
skunks | A stench, surfeit of skunks |
slaves | A coffle of (chained) slaves |
slugs | A cornucopia of slugs |
smelt | A quantity of smelt |
smokers | A billow, hack of smokers |
snails | A rout, escargatoire, walk of snails |
snakes | A bed, knot, trogle of snakes |
snakes | A den of snakes |
snakes | A nest of snakes |
snakes | A pit of snakes |
snakes | A slither of snakes |
snipe | A walk of snipe (at rest) |
snipe | A wisp, leash, volley, whisper of snipe |
software | A crash of software |
soldiers | A boast of soldiers |
soldiers | A company of soldiers |
soldiers | A division of soldiers |
soldiers | A muster of soldiers |
soldiers | A platoon, troop of soldiers |
soldiers | A squad of soldiers |
soldiers | An army, brigade of soldiers |
sophomores | A platitude of sophomores |
sopranos | A sweetness of sopranos |
source code | A bottle of source code |
sparrows | A host, tribe of sparrows |
sparrows | A meinie of sparrows |
sparrows | A quarrel of sparrows |
sparrows | A ubiquity of sparrows |
spatulas | A beautification of spatulas |
speed cameras | A tyranny of speed cameras |
sphincters | A clench of sphincters |
spiders | A cluster of spiders |
spiders | A clutter of spiders |
spies | A treachery of spies |
sponsors | A splurge of sponsors |
squirrels | A dray of squirrels (a nest) |
squirrels | A scurry, colony of squirrels |
stage hands | A brace of stage hands |
stage mothers | A pride of stage mothers |
stairs | A flight of stairs |
stalkers | A following of stalkers |
starlets | A cupful of starlets |
starlets | A galaxy of starlets |
starlets | A wiggle of starlets |
starlings | A clutter, chattering, constellation, filth, flight, vulgarity, cloud, congregation of starlings |
starlings | A murmuration of starlings |
stars | A constellation of stars |
stars | A galaxy of stars |
stars | A wonder of stars |
statesmen | A disagreement of statesmen |
statisticians | A number of statisticians |
sticklebacks | A shoal, spread of sticklebacks |
sticks | A fagot of sticks |
stoats | A pack, trip of stoats |
stockbrokers | A portfolio of stockbrokers |
storks | A muster of storks |
storks | A mustering of storks |
storks | A phalanx of storks |
storks | A silence, swoop, flight of storks |
straphangers | A puree of straphangers |
strumpets | A fanfare of strumpets |
students | A class of students |
students | A failing of students |
students | A flunk of students |
sub-atomic particles | A minuscule of sub-atomic particles |
submarines | A pack of submarines |
submarines | A wolfpack of submarines |
suburbanites | A transplant of suburbanites |
suitcases | A pack of suitcases |
suitors | A bleach of suitors (another name for cobblers) |
suitors | A swarm of suitors |
summoners | An untruth of summoners |
surfers | A wave of surfers |
surfers | A whale of surfers |
surgeons | An incision of surgeons |
surprises | A boo of surprises |
surveyors | A chain of surveyors |
suspects | A fidget of suspects |
swallows | A flight of swallows |
swallows | A gulp, kettle, swoop, richness of swallows |
swans | A ballet, team, whiting, squadron of swans |
swans | A bank, herd, sounder, drift, lamentation of swans |
swans | A game, herd, bevy of swans |
swans | A regatta of swans (on water) |
swans | A whiteness of swans |
swans | An eyrar of swans |
swans, flying | A wedge of swans (flying in a "V") |
swedish | A bork of swedish |
swifts | A flock, drift of swifts |
swimmers | A raft of swimmers |
swimmers, long distance | A league of long distance swimmers |
swine | A drift of swine (wild) |
swine | A drove of swine |
swine | A herd of swine |
swine | A sounder of swine (tame) |
swine | A trip of swine (tame) |
swingers | A bed of swingers |
Swiss | A watch of Swiss |
swordfish | A flotilla of swordfish |
sycophants | A gush of sycophants |
sycophants | A swarm of sycophants |
tailors | A disguising of tailors |
tailors | A proud showing of tailors |
tanks | A clank of tanks |
tanks | A clatter of tanks |
tapirs | A candle of tapirs |
tapsters | A promise of tapsters |
TARDISes | A manor of TARDISes |
tarts | A jam of tarts |
tasks | An agenda of tasks |
taverners | A cajolery of taverners |
taverners | A glazing (= fawning) of taverners |
taxis | A charge of taxis |
teachers | A quiz of teachers |
teal | A diving of teal |
teal | A spring, string, raft, knob, bunch, coil of teal |
teddy bears | A hug of teddy bears |
teenagers | A grunt of teenagers |
teenagers | An attitude of teenagers |
tennis games | A set of tennis games |
termites | A colony, swarm of termites |
terriers | A terror of terriers |
testicles | A clutch of testicles |
tests | A battery of tests |
Texans | A mob of Texans |
theoretical physicists | A field of theoretical physicists |
thieves | A den, skulk of thieves |
things | A bunch, cluster of things |
threshers | A thrave of threshers |
thrushes | A mutation of thrushes |
tigers | A hide of tigers |
tigers | A streak of tigers |
tigers | An ambush of tigers |
tinkers | A wandering of tinkers |
toadies | A pander of toadies |
toads | A knot of toads (derivation: appearance.) |
toads | A lump, nest, knob of toads |
todays | A twinkling of todays |
tomorrows | A promise of tomorrows |
tongues | A convention of tongues |
tongues | A jagger of tongues |
tortoises | A creep of tortoises |
toucans | A durante of toucans |
tourists | A flock, glaze of tourists |
toys | An assembly of toys |
trainers, personal | A torment of trainers |
trains | A postponement, cancellation of trains |
tranquilizers | An equanimity of tranquilizers |
transvestites | A camp, travesty of transvestites |
trash | A heap of trash |
tree surgeons | A graft of tree surgeons |
trees | A clump, forest, coupe of trees |
trees | A grove of trees |
trees | A stand of trees |
trees | A thicket of trees |
trees | A stillness of trees |
tricksters | A tangle of tricksters |
troops | A parel of troops |
troubles | A shitload of troubles |
trout | A hover, shoal of trout |
trucks | A convoy of trucks |
trumpets | A flourish of trumpets |
trustees | A board of trustees |
truths | A pithy of truths |
tubas | A tumult of tubas |
tuna | A float, troup of tuna |
turds | A steam of turds |
turkeys | A brood of turkeys (immature) |
turkeys | A death-row of turkeys |
turkeys | A flock, dole, dule, gang, posse of turkeys |
turkeys | A raffle of turkeys |
turkeys | A rafter, raft of turkeys |
turtledoves | A pitying, dule, peerage of turtledoves |
turtles | A bale of turtles |
turtles | A dule of turtles |
turtles | A turn of turtles |
twitches | An embarrassment of twitches |
two-up players | A stoop of two-up players |
umbrellas | A phalanx of umbrellas |
under achievers | A drowse of under achievers |
undertakers | An unction (or extreme unction) of undertakers |
unicorns | A blessing, glory, or marvel of unicorns |
urologists | A void of urologists |
used car salesmen | A great deal of used car salesmen |
ushers | A set of ushers |
vacationers | A peel of vacationers |
vases, broken | A mingling of broken vases |
vegetarians | A sprig of vegetarians |
vellum | A cutch of vellum |
vendors | A haggle of vendors |
vicaries (vicars) | A prudence of vicaries (vicars) |
violinists | A string of violinists |
vipers | A nest, generation of vipers |
voles | A colony of voles |
voters | A constituency of voters |
voters | A desperation of voters |
vultures | A wake, nest, colony, looming, meal, venue, vortex of vultures |
wagers | A book of wagers |
waiters | An absence of waiters |
waiters | An indifference of waiters |
waiters | An order of waiters]], absence of waiters |
walkers | An amble of walkers |
wallabies | A mob of wallabies |
walruses | A herd, pod, huddle of walruses |
walruses | An ugly of walruses |
wankers | A palm of wankers |
wardrobe ladies | A measure of wardrobe ladies |
warlocks | An incantation of warlocks |
wasps | A nest, destruction, bike, colony, of wasps |
wasps | A pail of wasps |
waterfowl | A bunch of waterfowl |
waterfowl | A knob of waterfowl (less than 30) |
waterfowl | A plump of waterfowl |
waterfowl | A raft of waterfowl (on water) |
weasels | A sneak of weasels(derivation: behaviour) |
weasels | A sneak, pack, gang of weasels |
webmasters | A linkage of webmasters |
webmasters | A net of webmasters |
webpages | A charlotte of webpages |
weed | A stash of weed (when hidden) |
Weight Watchers | A wailing of Weight Watchers |
whales | A gam, plump of whales |
whales | A grind of whales (bottle-nosed) |
whales | A herd, mob of whales |
whales | A pod of whales |
whales | A school, float, shoal, run, troup of whales |
whales. bottle-nosed | A grind of whales |
wheat | A sheaf of wheat (stalks]] of grain tied together.) |
whiting | A pod of whiting |
whores | A Parliament of whores (also Congress) |
widgeon | A coil, company, trip, flight, bunch, knob of widgeon |
widgeon | A raft of widgeon (wild duck) |
widows | An ambush of widows |
wikipedians | A page of wikipedians |
wildcats | A destruction, dout of wild cats |
wildebeest | A herd of wildebeest |
wildfowl | A know (less than 30) of wildfowl |
wildfowl | A plump, bunch, trip, knob, lute, scry, skein, sord of wildfowl |
willows | A bend of willows |
windmills | A tilt of windmills |
wine tasters | A bouquet of wine tasters |
wing-commanders | A flush of wing commanders (aka "WCs".) |
winners | A shout of winners |
winnings | A purse of winnings |
winter fishermen | A chill of winter fishermen |
witches | A coven of witches |
witches | An incantation of witches |
wives | An impatience of wives |
wolves | A herd of wolves |
wolves | A pack of wolves |
wolves | A rout(e) of wolves |
wombats | A warren, mob of wombats |
women | A gaggle of women |
women, leering | A clutch of leering women |
woodcocks | A fall, covey, plump, flight of woodcocks |
woodpeckers | A descent, descension of woodpeckers |
woodpeckers | A gatling of woodpeckers |
woodwinds | A cord of woodwinds |
words | A babel of words |
worms | A clew of worms |
worms | A wriggle of worms |
worshipers | A congregation of worshipers |
wrens | A herd, flock of wrens |
wrestlers | A clutch, crunch of wrestlers |
writers | A worship of writers |
yaks | A herd of yaks |
yeomen | A fellowship of yeomen |
yes men | A concert of yes men |
yesterdays | A flight of yesterdays |
yesterdays | A yearning of yesterdays |
yolks | A burden of yolks |
young oysters | A set of young oysters |
youths | An optimism of youths |
zebra | A herd, cohort, stripe of zebra |
Concrete Nouns
Concrete nouns are nouns that can be touched, smelled, seen, felt, or tasted. Steak, table, dog, Maria, salt, and wool are all examples of concrete nouns.
Can I pet your dog? Please pass the salt. Your sweater is made of fine wool.
Concrete nouns can be perceived by at least one of our senses.
Abstract Nouns
More ethereal, theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to refer to them. Concepts like freedom, love, power, and redemption are all examples of abstract nouns.
They hate us for our freedom. All you need is love. We must fight the power.
In these sentences, the abstract nouns refer to concepts, ideas, philosophies, and other entities that cannot be concretely perceived.
Personal pronouns are types of nouns that take the place of nouns when referring to people, places or things. The personal pronouns in English are I, you, he, she, it, and they.
Amy works at a flower shop. She works at a flower shop.
The Greeks invented democracy. They invented democracy.
These pronouns take on other forms depending on what type of function they are performing in a sentence. For example, when used to signify possession of another noun, pronouns take on their possessive form such as mine, ours, hers, and theirs.
That pizza belongs to Marley. That pizza is hers.
When used as the object of a preposition, pronouns take on their objective case. Examples include him, her, me, us, and them.
Hand the money over to Jennifer. Hand the money over to her.
The police are on to John and Ray. The police are on to them.
Bottomline: There are nine types or classifications of nouns, each designed to serve a different purpose in a sentence.