Paragraph on Hobbies
Hobby is something that one likes to do in one’s spare time. It is developed through a constant and systematic process. Hobbies play an important role in developing one’s personality. They keep a person active, busy and cheerful. There is hardly a person who does not have a hobby. The educated and the uneducated alike pursue one hobby or the other. Some hobbies like flying kites, gardening, reading books, periodicals, swimming, painting, to listening music etc. are fairly popular. The youth today who are too busy to devote time for hobbies should choose career oriented hobbies. The old and the young equally derive pleasure from hobbies. Hobbies should have a creative and instructive effect upon the person.
Paragraph on Future of English in India
English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the world. In India, it was introduced by Lord Bentinck. It was supported by many eminent personalities and social reforms. English has made an invaluable contribution towards the unification of the country. It has become an integral art in every section of society, be it government, media or education. It is taught in public as well as government schools. English is must for the Indians aspiring for higher education or seeking better job opportunities. It is very much a part of communication in urban society. Some people of Hindi speaking areas in India are against the usage of English. English is considered as a passport for a secure future.
Paragraph on Ambition in Life
Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something in life. A person without any ambition is like a boat without rudder. Having an ambition needs continues efforts towards achieving it. One cannot achieve anything if one just day dreams and does nothing. A strong will-power and determination will carry a person forward against all obstacles. Different people have different ambitions. Some aim to become teachers, soldiers, artists, politicians, doctors, engineers etc. Some try to amass wealth and some run after the name and fame. There are others who aim to serve humanity. One should have a noble aim in life and strive hard honestly, sincerely and with dedication to achieve it.
Paragraph on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (1897-1945) was a great patriot and a determined freedom fighter of India. He was an extremist. He was the son of a wealthy and prominent lawyer. In 1916, while studding in Presidency College, Kolkata; he was expelled for his nationalistic activities. He gave up Indian Civil Services (I.C.S.) and joined the Non-Cooperation Movement. On account of his differences with Gandhiji, he left the Congress. Subhas Chandra Bose organized his won party called the ‘Forward Bloc’. With the help of Japan, he formed the ‘Indian National Army (1934, Azad Hind Fauj.) He played a heroic role in India’s freedom struggle and compelled the British to leave India.Paragraph on Television
Television is a wonderful invention of science. It is an important medium of instruction, education and
Paragraph on Patriotism
Patriotism is the love for one’s country and the willingness to defend it. Wars, though harmful, foster a spirit of unity among the people. The moment there is a threat to the nation from an enemy, the patriotic feelings of the people are aroused. Patriotism inspires the people for the noble deeds. A social reformer, an ideal statesman are all patriots in the true sense of the term. Patriots rejoice in the glory of their country. It nurtures fellow feeling and brotherhood among the people. Terrorists commit acts of barbarism in the name of patriotism. Man’s aggressive instinct against enemy nations is a regrettable fact. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights works for the protection of human rights globally. It is hoped that the bond of humanity will strengthen in the years to comeParagraph on Pollution
The word, ‘pollution’ means to make dirty. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. Environmental pollution is a serious problem. Nearly 35 percent of India’s total land area in subject to serious environmental pollution. Industrialization has led to urbanization, which has added to the pollution problem. Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution. Land and water pollution have worsened the situation. Pollution causes several types of harmful diseases. We must control pollution for our survival.Paragraph on Zoo
Animals are one of the most wonderful creations of God. Animals can stay with us as pets. Wild animals and birds are generally seen in forests. A zoo is a home to many animals and birds living together in perfect harmony. Naturalistic conditions are created in a zoo to make the animals comfortable. India has about 64 large zoos and 194 medium-sized zoos. By visiting a zoo, a student learns a lot about the various types of animals and birds that inhabit the nature. More and more zoos should be developed to protect and preserve the animals from illegal poaching and trading.Paragraph on Newspaper
Newspaper is a printed publication appearing daily. It contains news, advertisements and articles on various subjects. Newspapers play an important role in a democracy. They act as a bridge between the government and the governed. Everybody, except a few read the newspaper keep the people aware of the activities of the government. They mobilize public opinion. They play an important role in fighting the menace of corruption. In a democracy, there should be an efficient and fearless press. Press is the mirror of the society. The first newspaper published in India was the Bengal Gazette. Information is fed to newspapers by number of agencies like PTI, UNI, etc. Newspapers should concentrate on giving only the true picture of the society.Paragraph on Friendship
Friendship is the feeling or relationship that friends have. A real friend is one who stands by his friend in his hour of need. A friend is a part and parcel of one’s life. The true friendship between Marx and Engles is known all over the world. A person who is honest and sincere can prove to be a good friend. Friendship grows on mutual trust and help. One cannot enjoy true and permanent friendship if one does not value it. A true friend inspires the other to improve himself. He will always warn him against going towards the wrong path. One can reform a friend or group of friends who has fallen into bad company. The steady affection of a friend is a great support in one’s lifeParagraph on the value of Games and Sports
Paragraph on Indian Festivals
A festival is a celebration of life. Festivals bring peace and joy to the masses. They break the monotony of life. Indian festivals are numerous. They are of three types- national, religious and seasonal. The first type of festivals i.e. national festivals are celebrated with great patriotic fervor. The second type of festivals depicts the religious association of the people. Third ones mark the change of seasons. The people celebrate their faith or seasonal change with gaiety and enthusiasm. The national festivals include Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti etc. religious festivals of India include Guru Parav, Holi, Lohir, Buddhapurnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Dussehra, Diwali, Janmastami, Chath, Navaratri, Eid, Christmas the festivals of the Parsees and Jews etc. The seasonal festivals include Bihu, Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Basant Panchami etc. Festivals also have a negative influence on the society. Festivals should be celebrated with simplicity. They should be celebrated to promote national integration and communal harmony.Paragraph on Child Labour
Child labour is the worst from of child exploitation. It is widespread all over the world. About seventy-three million children belonging to the age group of ten to fourteen years are engaged in child labour all over the globe. Illiteracy of the parents, large families, need of additional income and poverty are the chief causes of the exploitation of child labour. Parents are indirectly responsible for this. Childhood is the foundation of one’s career. At this stage, children should be sent to schools, not to work. Child labour lowers the wage rates of adult labourers. Employers exploit children due to their docile nature and their willingness to do monotonous jobs. They face health problems. Several programmes have been undertaken both at the national and international level to check and stop this practice. The people should also help the government in its efforts to tackle this problem.Paragraph on Library
A library is a treasure-house of knowledge. A well-stocked library is an asset to the school, college, university or the neighborhood. A library has a librarian to guide and attend to the readers. Books are kept and arranged properly which makes the reader look for a particular book easily. A member of a library can borrow a few books for a particular period and take them home. It is the responsibility of the reader that no pages are torn. If he loses a book, he has to pay for the loss. Each academy has a library of its own. There are also neighborhood libraries and district libraries. It is a boon for the poor students. Information technology has helped in improving the library facilities. However, popularity of internet will not adversely affect the Library.7 paragraphs on Global Warming
This article contents seven quality paragraphs on Global warming. Global warming is the increase in average global temperature due to increase in amount of green house effects in the earth’s atmosphere.
Paragraph/Article - 1
The term ‘Global Warming’ refers to the rise in the temperature of planet earth which will bring an end to the mountains old human civilization. The Green house gages including CFC-11 and CFC- 12 make the earth hotter and hotter by absorbing maximum quantity of thermal radiation of the sun. These gasses permit the rays of the sun to penetrate but don’t let the thermal radiations escape from the earth’s atmosphere once they enter it. This causing what is termed as the Greenhouse effect which is responsible for the increase in the temperature all over the world. The rise in temperature disturbs the rain cycle, the ecological balance, the cycle of seasons etc. It adversely affects vegetation and agriculture. Thus, we have to face frequent floods and droughts through the world. With the increase in temperature and the melting of glaciers, even snowfall has reduced its occurrence and intensity. The winter temperatures are showing a gradual increase. With the warming of the planet there is also rise in humidity because the rise in temperature has increase the rate of evaporation. The local governments should work against the emission of the Greenhouse gages by improving the vehicles, creating awareness among the people, selling environment-friendly appliances; encourage recycling of paper, metal and glass etc. Such efforts are needed by the people at the grass-root level. Only then we can combat this problem in an effective way.
Paragraph/Article – 2
Global warming can be best defined as the increase in the overall warming of our planet, which if not checked will burn all of us alive in the near future. According to a recent study Green house gages are the major cause for the increase of the average temperature of earth. There is a danger of coastal regions drowning due to increase in sea level with the shrinking of glaciers. Thus there is a grave danger of an entire civilization becoming extinct in a watery grave. Animals and plants are also finding it difficult to cope up with these temperature changes. Species after species of both flora and fauna might disappear from the face of earth. Not only this, even human life is getting affected by Global Warming. Epidemics are spreading frequently. There is heat stress responsible for killing people. Disease like dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis are indirect results of Global Warming. As the saying goes “It’s never too late”, the government should now try to educate the people about various kinds of pollution and create public awareness. People should be involved in helping to reduce and control pollution. Moreover, punishment should be strictly given in case of violation of any environmental law so that such people learn a lesion. Until we all get serious and resolve to make our planet a better place to live in, humanity stands amidst grave danger of perishing and being destroyed due to the severe and increase problem of pollution. The need of the day calls each and every citizen of planet earth to plant trees everywhere...
Paragraph/Article – 3
According to the Human Development Report (H.D.R) 2007, developed countries should cut their carbon emission at least by 80 %, by the year 2050, with 20 -30 % cuts by 2030, if the earth has to be saved from the adverse effects of Global Warming. The report also calls for 20 % in carbon emission by fast growing economies like Indian and China. The UN report says that there is a small window of opportunity in this century for limiting the global temperature increase to 2 degrees centigrade. If this is not done, humanity will face a series of climactic changes that will wreak havoc on the planet. These will include flooding of coastal areas, crop failures, epidemics, severe water scarcity and increase in natural disasters. According to the report, climate change will affect the world’s poor most. Global warming will initiate droughts and flooding which will destroy the sources of live hood for poor people in Africa, Asia and South America. The poorer sections will also be the most prone to health disaster like spread of malaria and diarrhea. The H.D.R also makes it clear that the rich countries have to take the main responsibility for controlling emissions.
Paragraph/Article – 4
All living organisms will be burn alive. Yes! Global warming if not check will bring an end to life on planet earth. Thus governments all over the world are concerned about the adverse effects of the rise of the average temperature of planet earth. IN 1992, the earth Summit was held at Riode Janeiro, Brazil where 150 countries agreed to confront the problem of Greenhouse gages. In 1997, in Japan, 160 nations signed an agreement called as Kyoto Protocol. The Protocol calls upon the developed nations to reduce the emissions of Greenhouse gages up to 50 % by 2012. The treaty still awaits to be implemented by the developed countries, especially the US. Our survival on the planet depends upon the maintenance of the environment that protects us. Thus, it becomes our utmost need and necessity to regain the lost balance in the nature and create harmony between its various constituent elements.
Paragraph/Article – 5
Global warming is the increase in average global temperature due to increase in amount of green house effects in the earth’s atmosphere. The average global temperature is 15 degree centigrade which is maintained due to presence of certain gases like Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide and chlorofluro carbon present with troposphere. The gages are collectively called heat trapping or green house gages. Lanth’s temperature is maintained by traditional infer-red (heat) radiation by these Green House effects which prevent heart from escaping to outer space, so one functionality comparable to glass panels of a green house which keep carbon dioxide concentration higher and so higher temperature inside the green house. So the effect is called Green House effect.
Paragraph/Article – 6
The challenge before us is to reduce Global warming. Global warming will melt the polarize caps. It is estimated that if all the ice on the earth melts, about 200 feet of water would be added to the surface of all oceans. Satellite pictures have shown that the
Paragraph/Article – 7
The time has gone from our hands for debating on the issue of Global warming. Today the need of the day demand implementation of measures to decrease Global warming. Some of the measures that may help to check global warming are (a) Control of population growth by decreasing the birth rate (b) Afforestation (Planting more tress on new areas) (c) Deforestation reversal by reforestation (d) Reduction in the use of chlorofloro carbons (e) Shift from coal to natural gas on electricity as energy resource (f) To trap and use methane as a fuel. (g) More use of non-conventional source of energy like wind power and solar energy. Automobiles should be made more fuel efficient and less taking on the environment.
Paragraph on Drug Addiction
By acting on the consumer’s body, certain drugs can change the physical as well as the psychological behavior of the consumer or the person. Drugs may have a negative as well as positive effect on the body of a person. When they are used in a regulated way, it cures a number of diseases, but when a person consumes them just to relax his mind; it becomes dangerous to his health and psychology. Addiction to any drug happens in a gradual manner. Once addicted, one has to put much effort to get rid of his addictions. Sedatives, stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens, nicotine, etc. are the various kinds of drugs. Basically, social and psychology causes are responsible for drug addiction. To eradicate harmful drugs from our society we must have tough laws and at the same time, extend our moral support to the addicted people in getting them free from drugs.Paragraph on Historical Monuments
Indian History is full of rise and fall of many kingdoms. Monuments, built by different kings, throw light on the past history of India. Taj Mahal, built by Shah Jahan is one of the Seven Wonders of the World Red fort is famous for the use of red stone and marble. Construction of Qutab Minar was begun by Qutub-ud-din-Aibek and completed by Iltutmish. It is viewed as a symbol of military might of Turko-Afghan dynasty. Hyderbad is often identified with ‘Charmina’. Some of the religious monuments are ‘Jagannath Temple’ Konark Sun Temple, Badrinath Temple, Jama Masjid of Delhi, Golden Temple of Amritsar etc. some great buildings have also ben built in India by the Britishers. They are Parliament House, Rashtrapti Bhawan, Victoria Memorial etc. All these monuments tell the tale of past but will shine forever.Paragraph on Kalpana Chawla
Kalpana Chawla (1962-2003) was the first India-born woman to enter space. Her father wanted her to become a doctor. But she loved flying. Her interest in flying was generated by J.R.D. Tata, a pioneering pilot. She was the first women student of Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. She obtained Masters Degrees and PhD in United States. In 1998, she started working for NASA. She went for her first flight to space in 1998. She was again selected for space flight in 2000. During the return of this flight she was killed in a space ship explosion. She will be a source of inspiration to the young generation.Paragraph on Smoking
In the present society, cigarette smoking is glamorized through advertisements. More and more people, especially the youth is getting addicted to smoking. But the harmful effects of smoking cannot be denied by anybody. Scientific research and various studies have been conducted to find out the ill effects of smoking on human health. It has been proved that smoking can be fatal and cause several deadly diseases. So, considering the bad effects, there should be some restriction on smoking. But in a liberated society, people talk about their individual freedom and right to live their life according to their wish. In that case, the right of the non-smoker to get a pollution free environment should be taken care of. However, a total ban on smoking is not easy and possible. But it should be banned at least in public placesParagraph on Tourism in India
Tourism plays a vital role in the economic development of a country. Tourism is the second largest foreign exchange earner in India. The tourism industry employs a large number of people, both skilled and unskilled. It promotes national integration and international brotherhood. India has fascinated people from all over the world with her secularism and her culture. There are historical monuments, beaches, places of religious interests, hill resorts, etc. that attract tourists. Every region is identified with its handicraft, fairs, folk dances, music and its people. The Department of Tourism promotes international and domestic tourism in the country. The Tourism Advisory Board recommends measures for promotion of tourist traffic in India. Indian tourism is adversely affected by terrorism, touts and pollution. Sincere efforts could help to further develop the Indian tourism industry.