Rules of Affirmative to Negative for PSC, JSC, SSC
Rules of Affirmative to Negative for PSC, JSC, SSC Exam.
Only/ Alone (ব্যক্তিবাচক) থাকলে
Only Allah can help us.
Only Rahim can do the work.
None but হবে
None but Allah can help us.
None but Rahim can do the work.
Only (বস্তুবাচক) থাকলে
He likes only sweet.
He is only smart.
Nothing but হবে
He likes nothing but sweet.
He is nothing but smart.
Only (বয়স/সংখ্যা) থাকলে
He is only ten.
Not more than/ not less than হবে
He is not more than ten.
Too…to থাকলে
He is too short to touch the roof.
He was too weak to speak.
So…that + sub +cannot/ could not +V1+ বাকি Ask হবে
He is so short that he can not touch the roof.
He was so weak that he could not speak.
As soon as থাকলে
As soon as the thief saw the RAB, he ran away.
No sooner had + sub + V3 ……than হবে
No sooner had the thief seen the RAB than he ran away.
Must থাকলে
You must obey your teacher.
Cannot but+ V1 / Cannot help + V1 + ing হবে
You cannot but obey your teacher.
You cannot but obeying your teacher.
Always থাকলে
He is always happy.
Never হবে
He is never unhappy.
Many থাকলে
There are many teachers in our college.
Not a few হবে
There are not a few teachers in our college.
A few থাকলে
He has a few friends.
Not many হবে
He does not have many friends.
A little থাকলে
He has a little rice.
Not much হবে
He does not have much rice.
Much থাকলে
I have much money.
Not a little হবে
I do not have a little money.
Both … and থাকলে
Both Rahim and Karim are guilty.
Not only..but also হবে
Not only Rahim but also Karim are guilty.
Every/ A / All থাকলে
Every mother loves her child.
There is no + noun + but + verb + … হবে
There is no mother but loves her child.
As … as থাকলে
Hasan was as wise as Karim.
Not less…. than হবে
Hasan was not less wise than Karim.
Sub.+ Be Verb + affirmative adjective থাকলে
Man is mortal.
Sub.+ Be Verb + not + বিপরীত affirmative adjective
Man is not immortal. হবে